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Women share their sometimes harrowing, sometimes funny, always true experiences on the road - and how to laugh AND win at business travel.
Stories from the Road
Kate M. Nichols
Community Spotlight - Fancy a Chat With Katie Keating?
During a recent scroll through LinkedIn, I noticed a few posts by Katie Keating, co-founder of the creative agency Fancy. The posts...
Courtney Lichterman
Safe at Home and not Liking it
For those who depend on travel --not just for work but for emotional well-being -- missing out on untold adventures and personal...
Kelli Komondor
Business Travel During a Pandemic
Travel during COVID. The thought terrifies some, while others are determined to continue business as usual. I had an opportunity to sit...
Rana Good
Five Founders Share Their Best Business Advice
Entrepreneurship is a difficult road to travel. Success and setbacks are inevitable, even on the same day. As we head into a new year...
Charlie Vascellaro
Go Jean Go: Shooting Baseball (Or Not) In the Time of COVID
Jean Fruth is one of baseball's most prolific photographers. Her job depends on business travel and Covid threw her a real curveball.
Ellen Saksen
Up In The Air, Again: It's Good To Be Back
After nearly a decade of living much of my professional life on the road, the pandemic brought that life to a screeching halt. My...
Go Jane Go
Career Mapping is for You
No matter where you are in your career, however long you've been where you are and regardless of how happy, disappointed or thrilled you...
Go Jane Go
Got Goals for 2019? Bring Women to the Table
You already know this: women add much more to your executive board than the requisite leadership, industry skills and exceptional...
Go Jane Go
Women Need to Manage Financial Health, Too
Roselyn Wilkinson has spent 25 years helping her clients plan for their financial futures. Over that time, she discovered a troubling...
Go Jane Go
Identity Crisis at the Bookstore
Pittsburgh International Airport. It is a Tuesday afternoon and I get through security in twenty minutes. Ten trips this year so far and...
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