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Women share their sometimes harrowing, sometimes funny, always true experiences on the road - and how to laugh AND win at business travel.
Stories from the Road
Courtney Lichterman
Safe at Home and not Liking it
For those who depend on travel --not just for work but for emotional well-being -- missing out on untold adventures and personal...
Jenn Strang
Have Vaccine, Will Travel
When was the last time you packed your suitcase? Do you even know where your suitcase is right now? Whether business requires the...
Go Jane Go
Tips for the Traveler’s Cold
It’s no secret that traveling wreaks havoc on your immune system. Every interaction and destination you are exposed to is introducing new...
Go Jane Go
Conquering the Red Eye Flight
If you’re a frequent business traveler, you’ve faced the dreaded red eye flight. The overnight flight when you should be accruing...
Go Jane Go
Winter and Travel Wreak Havoc...and CBD Helps
My skin is always dry. Even in 100% humidity I'm digging in my purse or laptop bag desperately searching for my tube of ... anything...
Go Jane Go
Eat Better in 2019
Most of us have resolved to eat better on the road this year. No doubt, we have already succeeded in some ways and likewise have been...
Go Jane Go
Got A Period Story?
Aunt Flow and Go Jane Go have a lot in common– we’re women on the go. And when women on the go get their periods on the go, that can slow...
Go Jane Go
A One-Two Punch
If, like me, you’re a woman over 40 and things are changing with your body and mood you can’t explain, the answer might be perimenopause....
Go Jane Go
Penguin In Flight
by SHELLY_ANDERSON Jennifer Bullano Ridgley logs thousands of air miles every year. Bullano Ridgley, 37, is senior director of...
Go Jane Go
Always Be Aware
by KATY RANK LEV Here in Pittsburgh, a few years ago now, we used to have a young, male mayor. Legend has it, he visited a film set where...
Go Jane Go
The Perils of Mother's Day
by KATY RANK LEV We're approaching that time of year when I can't watch television or thumb through magazines because of the commercials...
Go Jane Go
Am I Running for My Life?
I have recently rekindled my relationship with fitness, largely because my doctor tells me that my already messed-up back is becoming...
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